Education is the most potential tool to a creative and positive transformation.It is, in fact, a meaningful input and an advanced effort put in for facing the challenges of the time and future. The world is growing boundless and the opportunities for business and employment are being spread across the globe with a steady graph of tremendous growth. Obviously the glowing future is for the global citizens alone and the chances to leap forward are wide beyond imaginations..!
Keeping in view of this tremendous growth and needs of tomorrow, the Indian Education agency, CBSE has come up with a new curriculum called CBSE international, which is designed equivalent to IGCSE and IB.
NIMS Dubai has been given affiliation to run CBSE I curriculum and the glad news is that we are one of the three schools in the UAE handpicked by CBSE to start international curriculum for the academic year 2010-11.We are starting with one section each in grade 1 and grade 9 comprising of a maximum of 25 students each.
Key Features of the CBSE – I
i. Enquiry and skill based curriculum.
ii. Catering to individual learning styles.
iii. Learner and learning centric.
iv. Focus on analysis and discovery approach.
v. Focus on experiential learning.
vi. Focus on real world experiences.
All areas of learning will have a foundation and an extension. The extensions will not be examinable and will be present as optional areas.
There are five learning areas or Units of Enquiry with a core area that incorporates Perspectives, Critical Thinking, Research project, Life skills, and Social Empowerment through Work and Action {SEWA}.
The first learning area is languages and students will study two languages up to class V, English and one other which could be Hindi, or the mother tongue of the child .At classes VI-XII they will study three languages.
The second area of learning is Social Studies; the curriculum aims to develop in students an understanding and evaluation of the social, political, economic and environmental dimensions of the world
The third area of learning is Mathematics and Technology .The curriculum helps students develop strategies that improve their logical thinking and analytical ability. Information and communication Technology is a compulsory component of the curriculum which will help students assess the impact of new technologies on society and train them to use these productively.
The fourth area of learning is science the curriculum offers students a chance to be curious ,to question, to investigate ,design and carry out experiments and make critical observations. In addition there is an extension program me called Breakthroughs which familiarize students to stay in touch current trends of scientific thinking.
The fifth area of learning combines the areas of Physical Education, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts.
The Physical Education curriculum contributes to the physical fitness and all round development of students. The Performing Arts curriculum provides a means for personal expression, and the articulation of ideas .the visual arts program is aimed at promoting intellectual, aesthetic, and emotional growth.
At the heart of the curriculum is an innovative programme called Perspectives, Life Skills, SEWA, Critical Thinking Module, and a research project.Prespectives introduces students to both global and local issues and through research, discussion and debate .The life skills programme will be able to help students, lead balanced, happy and successful lives. From class I to X all students will be a part of a program of community service every year, this is the meaning of SEWA [Social Empowerment through Work and Action].Research Project Module will include research or extended writing on a topic chosen by the student.